
Nobody I know has had a “normal” childhood and that includes me.  Who is to say what is normal anyway?  The things that are good or bad in our childhood shape us and prepare us for life as an adult. And that is not a sure way to know how a person will develop.

A person could be given all the positive influences and grow to be a menace to society and vice versa.   I know of a man who says “If my parents cared about me just a little bit, I could have gone on to maybe be president of the United States”.  I wish I could have been there to help him as a kid, and give him a bit more something.  Then again maybe what he is doing now is exactly what he is supposed to be doing.  Although, it is amazing how a little bit of encouragement and love will potentially change ones destiny.

I grew up in a little town called Norton, MA.  I recall as a child, my father placing newspaper clippings on the fridge about people doing extraordinary things. It was things like “girl sails around the world alone”, or man walks from East to West  of the United States.”  So, after a while I began to think these types of people were “normal.”

Two statements I heard from my father growing up that really shaped me are “don’t be afraid to try everything” and “You wanna die hiding under your bed, or climbing the side of a mountain“.  He didn’t really mean under my bed, or  a side of a mountain?”   Those were two extremes.  He meant simply, don’t be afraid to live and take some chances.  I remember as a child,  he would be upset if I was sitting in front of the TV on Saturday morning watching cartoons.  “What a waste of time” he said.   At the time I just wanted to see Tom & Jerry chase each other and listen the voice of Snagglepuss.  “Exit, stage left, right even”.

I eventually agreed that there is more fun outside than watching cartoons.  I loved to ride my bike.  I rode it everywhere and for as long as I could.   I would adventure down some paths and trails that I had no idea where they led.  I then would attempt to find my way home.  I think the part I enjoyed most is asking a stranger on the road or at a gas station….”where am I?”  Its amazing how friendly someone is when they are helping a stranger with directions.

You know, I am still going down a path on my bicycle, wondering whats at the other end.  I have done a few dangerous things like the Alaskan Crab boat when I was 20 or driving off a mountain in Africa,  or brief  moments of Nirvana.   Ya, I seek something.  I guess everyone does in their own way.  My way is to keep on going until I cant go anymore.  Everyday is a new day, don’t sit there and watch cartoons, when you could be outside riding your bike.